The fashion industry has many problems throughout its supply chain. Not only do garments have an immense impact on climate change as it exhausts many resources, but people are being exploited to make clothes.

Fashion Revolution has decided to tackle one of the issues of the garment sector by demanding a living wage for the people who make our clothes.
Good Clothes, Fair Pay is a campaign demanding living wage legislation across the garment, textile and footwear sector. 1 million signatures from EU citizens are needed to push for legislation that requires companies to conduct living wage due diligence in their supply chains.
Caritas Luxembourg is a partner of the campaign. Through its Plaidons Responsable team, Caritas Luxembourg will support the campaign by promoting it on its social media platform and actively collect signatures, especially from Luxembourgish citizens.
For more info and to sign the campaign, please visit this website: Good Clothes, Fair Pay (
The official ‘Good Clothes, Fair Pay’ ECI on the EU website: Initiative detail | European Citizens' Initiative (