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Decarbonise Now !

Doing our fair share to decarbonise in Luxembourg


Decarbonizing is key to fight climate change. Discover our 2023 lunch debate cycle to understand how you can reduce your carbon footprint in Luxembourg. It's not about finding solutions, but about implementing them effectively.

Luxembourgers are amongst the biggest CO2 emitters in the world with an average carbon footprint of 13t CO2eq per person . To be aligned with the 1.5° target of the Paris agreement the annual carbon footprint of a Luxembourger should be limited to 1 to 2 CO2eq.

After our first edition of lunch debate cycle 'happiness and sustainability' we're coming back with a 2023 cycle to present short and long term actions and solutions to decarbonise in Luxembourg.

"We believe that everyone needs to know, at least roughly, what their carbon footprint is and how impactful different decarbonisation measures are. With this knowledge, we can all do our part in mitigating climate change and putting Luxembourg on the path to net zero." Towards Decarbonisation report by the LIST (2022)

For this edition we've partnered up with the CarbonNerds from the LIST, the Ministry for Consumer Protection, the Ministry of International Cooperation, Greenpeace and Infogreen to bring you local solutions and actions. There are 5 events to discuss sectors with high carbon emissions - energy, mobility, housing, food and consumption goods.

Find all the information's below



  • Start: 12H

  • End: 14H

Structure of event

  • 12h-12h15: welcome

  • 12h15-13h: presentation

  • 13h-13h30: Q&A session (questions can be asked in English, French, German or Luxemburgish)

  • 13h30-14h: networking

A vegan catering is at the disposal of the participants at any time of the event.

Venue - House of Startups (9 rue du Laboratoire, Luxembourg)

How to get there

  • Bus from Hamilius : 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 14, 18 (+3min walk)

  • Tram: stop 'Place de Paris/Paräisser Plaz' (+3min walk)



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